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Showing posts from March, 2020

The enemy won’t defeat you

At some point the enemy thinks they can defeat you but in the end you come out as a champion. We read about the story of Joseph and how his brothers sold him to Egypt, they did not know he was going to be powerful and that he was going to lead great nations. No they didn’t! So many people we live with envy us and they wish us bad but because we are covered by the blood of Christ, we become more powerful and continue to conquer in life just like Joseph did.    He never stopped dreaming and focusing no matter the situation he was going through but He knew his God was him. You are a powerful person and that’s how God created you and that’s who you are.

You should let your cry be known unto the Lord

What have you done to tell all your things to God ? Do you tell your friends your secrets or you cry out to the Lord. See when you tell man your things and whatever is happening in your life, many of them don’t get bothered or even they are happy that you are in that situation. So how do you talk to God ? We only talk to God through prayer. We cry out to Him because He is the only one who can listen and address our challenges 100% . God opens our hearts when we pray to him and seek his counsel. At least find a few minutes off your tight schedule and say out whatever is in your to the Lord because our God is a problem solver and listens and watches us over.   Amen